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Phonics and Reading

Autumn Term 


The teaching of our new phonics scheme 'Sounds Write' is well underway and the children are doing superbly! You may already hear them practising saying the sounds and reading the words! 

Thank you to all the parents that attended our phonics meeting. Here are some useful resources to help support with children's learning in reading and phonics.  - a video showing the correct pronunciation of each sound- remember not to add an 'uh' sound on the end of sounds such as n, m, t etc.  this is a video of a typical phonics activity that we deliver in school. It could be done as a whole class on the whiteboard or as part of an intervention group.  this video shows the 'sound swap' activity (activity starts at 0.47 if you don't want to watch the whole thing)

Finally, there is a link to the parent's section of the Sounds Write website which gives you information about the free parents course, app and free resources. 

Thank you again for your support, please let us know if there are any questions or anything that you need support with.